حقیقت معنوی • spirituell.karma-hilfe.de

حقیقت معنوی • A - 02 - About ERITON personally


کتاب از ERITON • فارسی

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آخرين بازديد شما: دوشنبه 29. آپريل 2024, 03:30 امروز دوشنبه 29. آپريل 2024, 03:30

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نويسنده پست
 موضوع پست: A - 02 - About ERITON personally
پستارسال شده در: پنج شنبه 5. نوامبر 2020, 11:25 

تاريخ عضويت: سه شنبه 25. آگوست 2020, 19:26
پست ها : 295

About ERITON personally


I am a spiritual being.
I am a scorpio
I am a Scorpio soul.

I love rock'n'roll music from 1950 to 1960.

I have come to planet earth a total of 5 times.
I have lived some lives on earth.

I saw the earth when it got a conversion to biology.
I came to earth with the parrots.

Planet earth was like a testing ground back then.
Everywhere stations where something was tried out.

Experiments were made with forest soil.
I remember the first time I walked on forest floor full of curiosity.
At the time I didn't believe that you could walk on the forest floor. And that will hold the forest floor and potting soil permanently.

I've been on planet earth for 8,000 years.
I lived on earth in ancient Egypt.
Some live in France.
And in other countries.

I've lived on other planets.
I've lived on the canine planet.
I've lived on the turtle planet.
And on other planets.

Far in the past there were wasp planets.
There are wasps spaceships.
I love wasps.
I was a wasp.
Far in the past I loved being a wasp.
Wasps are my friends.

There is so much spiritual knowledge that is no longer known on earth.
I will cover the most important thing in this book.

This spiritual knowledge and the spiritual truth about the soul is many, many millions of years old.

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TRUTH makes free.
TRUTH is FREEDOM for the soul.

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